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Faglige ­arrangementer

Kommande arrangement

Tid og stad: , Seminar room in St. Olavs gate 29

In 2021, the Embassy of Iraq sought assistance from Norwegian authorities and the Museum of Cultural History to recover suspected illicit cultural artifacts from a Norwegian collector. At this seminar, Professor Håkon Roland will discuss the operation and its aftermath, shedding light on the intricate relationships among academia, law enforcement, authorities, collectors, lawyers, and the media.

Tid og stad: , Foredragssalen i 3. etasje, Historisk museum

Global solidaritet spiller en viktig rolle i å styrke kvinners stemme og fremme rettigheter på tvers av landegrenser. På dette seminaret utforsker vi hvordan okkupasjon og krig påvirker kvinners og jenters rettigheter i Den demokratiske republikken Kongo, og hvordan kvinner responderer for å fremme rettferdighet.

Tid og stad: , Thursday and Friday: ROM for kunst og arkitektur, Oslo, Norway. Saturday: The Museum of Cultural History, Oslo, Norway

Can exhibitions be qualified as research-in-itself? If they can, then how? Which criteria should be the basis of evaluating and verify research exhibitions? The aim of the PhD course is to build a solid knowledge-base for understanding the relationship between exhibitions and research in the past and today, in order to collectively explore potentials and challenges for what can be called research-by-display.