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Money and its use in the Middle Ages

This research group study coin and money history in the Viking Age and the Middle Ages. 

Medieval coins.

About the group

The objectives of this research group is investigations into the nature of money looking at money and its use, perceptions of money, values and standards, and how money was used in rituals and as legitimation of power in Viking and medieval societies.


WP1: Human Sacrifice and Values

The NFR project (FRIPRO) Human Sacrifice and Values (2018-2022, Principal Investigators (PI) Rane Willerslev and Svein H. Gullbekk) are working with the following research topics:

The Economy of Sacrifice: Christ, Coins and the Eucharist in the Middle Ages, S. H. Gullbekk and M.Wangsgaard Jürgensen, in: Human Sacrifice and Value. Revisiting the Limits of Sacred Violence, edited by Matthew Walsh, Sean O’Neill, Marianne Moen, Svein H. Gullbekk, Routledge [forthcoming]

Measuring trust: Attitudes towards money in eleventh century Norway, S. H. Gullbekk, Sean O’Neill og Matthew J. Walsh (work in progress)

Cash on legs – Cattle as currency and pecunial sacrifices, S. H. Gullbekk, M. J. Walsh and M. Moen, in: Control. A Story about Animal/Human Domestication, edited by Gro B. Ween and Michael Lundblad [Oslo: Pax forlag, in press]

Standardization of ritual offerings: The Eucharist, human sacrifice and monetization, S. H. Gullbekk, M.J. Walsh and M. Moen, in: Medieval standardization in the North, edited by L.C. Engh, H.-J. Orning  og S.H. Gullbekk, [Berlin: De Gruyter, forthcoming]

WP2: Monetisation in medieval Northern Europe

Doctoral Research Fellow Mika Boros, Monetisation at the frontiers of medieval Europe. The introduction of local coinage outside the borders of the Holy Roman Empire. Supervisors S. H. Gullbekk, Hans Jacob Orning and Mateusz Bogucki, from 1 September 2021.

Workshop, 16-17 March 2022, Oslo: And then there was coin - Beginnings of coinage in medieval Europe with empasis on Comparative perspectives on money and its use and monetization in Austria, Poland and Norway in the 11th and 12th century, with Mika Boros. 

International Numismatic Congress (INC), Warzaw 11-16 Sept 2022, Organizer of session: Viking Age and Medieval Monetisation – Scandinavian and theoretical perspectives, S.H.Gullbekk, J.A.Risvaag, J.C.Moesgaard, N.M.Burström, F.Ehrensten, L.E. Ramberg, C.Kilger, M.Paulsen, G.Ingvardsen. 

WP3: Comparative studies of numismatics and monetary history

In the project 'Symbolic Resources and Political Structures on the Periphery: Legitimization of the Elites in Poland and Norway, c. 1000-1300S.H.Gullbekk and M.Bogucki collaborates on the contribution "Language of Power through Coinage in 11th-12th century Poland and Norway", a comparative research study. 

Doctoral Research Fellow Mika Boros is conducting a study in which comparative methods will be central in analyzes of the early development of coinage and the use of coinage in Austria, Poland and Norway.

Religion and Money in the Middle Ages – Routledge series

The series explores the connections between two of the most dominant aspects of medieval society and culture: religion and money. Both are ubiquitous throughout the Middle Ages, and both are expressed through a wide variety of media, from the textual to the material. In this light, the series recognises the importance of multi-disciplinary perspectives, and welcomes joint as well as individual authorship and editorship.

Series editor: S.H. Gullbekk

Go to to read more about our research on Religion and Money in the Middle Ages at

Completed Research Project

NFR FRIPRO: ‘Religion and Money: Economy of Salvation in the Middle Ages’ PI: S.H.Gullbekk (2013-2017) 

Published Feb. 3, 2021 8:33 AM - Last modified Mar. 8, 2022 3:08 PM